openIMIS Newsletter July 2020
openIMIS Installation and Country Localization
We are happy to announce the release of the first session on openIMIS Installation and Country Localization video tutorials, covering Database, Web Application and Windows Services.
You can watch all recordings in the session playlist on the openIMIS Youtube channel. Don't miss any upcoming videos and subscribe to the channel!
You are welcome to submit questions on the Installation and Country Localization session on the openIMIS Service Desk.
More training resources can be found in our Wiki.
Integration of openIMIS in the postgraduate curriculum in Indonesia
The aim of the openIMIS Country Hub in Indonesia is to investigate the potential use of openIMIS in strengthening health insurance learning in the Graduate Program of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
The University offers a two-year Master of Public Health program with 12 different majors. Every year, 200-300 students are admitted to the program. The main target group of the Country Hub are participants of the two majors "Health Financing and Insurance" and "Health Management Information System”.
Tutorials on openIMIS were held from August to October 2019, involving 25 graduate students. While the students received hands-on experience, a transfer of knowledge with the national health insurance managers, policymakers and academics took place, in order to adapt and develop openIMIS further.
More information as well as the lecture and tutorial videos are available here.
Application of openIMIS as a teaching aid at medical universities in the Philippines
The openIMIS Country Hub in the Philippines consists of partners from the University of the Philippines Manila (UPM), St Luke’s College of Medicine, and the Asian Medical Students Association Philippines. The openIMIS Country Hub conducted several Training of Trainers (ToT) workshops on openIMIS application from September 2019 - February 2020.
A workshop demonstrating the practical aspects of health financing in real-life scenarios and the operational side of social health protection using openIMIS, as well as identifying the missing links between clinical procedures in medical schools and information systems was conducted by the Country Hub for students in medical universities.
Based on the workshop’s outcomes, an evaluation of the openIMIS clinical skills students lab manual and its corresponding faculty guide, as well as the usability of openIMIS in the academic setting took place.
More information can be found here.