Our News
openIMIS Newsletter January 2022
After a successful pilot exercise, the government of Tanzania has done a national roll-out of the Community Health Fund (CHF) e-payment system with over one million active members. The system is expected to improve the management of the fund by reducing overall costs and facilitating payment of membership contributions.
Steering Group Meeting 2021: A Wrap-Up
openIMIS ended the year 2021 with a successful and exciting Steering Group Meeting (SGM). More than 50 experts from bilateral implementing agencies, donors and international organizations discussed one topic: Digital public goods in social protection.
The event was hosted by the Steering Group participants: the German Federal…
Newsletter December 2021
The openIMIS Initiative is happy to announce the 2nd software release for this year. Being an Anniversary Release, the developers have put in a lot of new and impressive features:
An AI module that supports automatic claims adjudication
Modules to allow to set up schemes for the formal sector
A new set of…
Newsletter November 2021
A webinar on “openIMIS – a global good to manage health and social protection schemes” was hosted by the International Social Security Association (ISSA) on the 26th of October 2021. Saurav Bhattarai (openIMIS advisor) started the webinar by introducing the openIMIS initiative to the participants. Discussions went further to…
Upcoming Event: Steering Group Meeting
It's that time again: The openIMIS initiative invites to the Steering Group Meeting. On November 25 it will be all about Digital Public Goods. The guiding theme of the meeting: implementation and collaboration between digital public goods in social protection. The background for this choice of topic is the certification of…
Happy Birthday, openIMIS!
Time to celebrate: openIMIS turns 5 years old. For this occasion, our team has been working on three very special videos:
What is openIMIS? / Qu'est-ce qu'openIMIS ?
How does openIMIS work? / Comment fonctionne openIMIS ?
How can openIMIS be used? / Comment utiliser openIMIS ?
The videos are…
Newsletter October 2021
The community connect engaged the openIMIS community and partners in discussions on a wide range of topics – from the social protection convergence initiative, to formal sector related requirements to a management information system, indicators on an openIMIS implementation for social protection schemes and marketing measures…
Newsletter September 2021
In September 2021, openIMIS was added to the Digital Public Goods Alliance DPG Registry. The goal of the DPGA is to promote digital public goods to create a fairer world. Being recognized as a Digital Public Good (DPG) increases the visibility and the support for open projects that have the potential to tackle global challenges…
Newsletter August 2021
In June 2021, Bluesquare started a project to implement openIMIS in Niger with funding from the Belgian Development Agency Enabel. The project aims to set up openIMIS for a health insurance scheme in two districts, Gaya and Gothèye. A first version of openIMIS was deployed under the legacy architecture and most of the…